I’m on twitch with computer science content on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and occasionally with some fun stuff on Sundays or Mondays. Come catch me over there if you’re curious!
Wednesday — Programmierttwoch
This is my live-programming during which I work on some of the open-source software tools I develop. These are currently mainly PIRA and MetaCG. These streams are meant to be interactive chatting, while programming, so please ask questions, I really appreciate them and love to explain what I do. Obviously, I am also open to suggestions, if people have other ideas for how to implement something or achieve a certain goal.
While the stream defaults to German, I can switch to English any time, if people prefer it.
The stream starts at around 9pm CET and usually ends between 11pm and midnight.
Thursday — Tool Thursday
As the title suggests, this is all about tools. However, the format is less educational in the sense that I present something I know, but it is me trying out something that I have on my list for things to try out.
Thus, the stream consists of (i) me walking through a tool’s Getting Started documentation, and then (ii) see if I can achieve what I think the tool can do for me on a minimal working example. The example will usually be a boiled-down version of a real use-case I have. As an example, consider the meson build system as something I want to try. As an example use case I would consider a “Hello world” that uses a C++ library and links against Clang/LLVM.
Just like my programming stream on Wednesday, this is meant to be as interactive as possible, since I know that for many tools, there are people on the internet that know much better how to use them than I do.
The stream starts at around 9.30pm CET and ends at around 11pm CET.
Sunday / Monday — FunDay
If I feel like it, I stream on these days non-computer science stuff. Most likely it will be related with the SimRacing game Assetto Corsa Competizione, or with more relaxing games like Cities: Skylines.
If you are curious, it is easiest to follow me on twitter and look for announcements over there.